OpenPlant Project Administrator Help

Import OpenPlant WorkSet to ProjectWise

This option lets the user import an existing OpenPlant workset to a ProjectWise repository creating a Managed WorkSet for collaboration.
  1. Select a WorkSet from the Navigation Tree.
  2. In the Configuration ribbon, click the Collaborate icon from the WorkSet group. This opens the OpenPlant Managed WorkSet Import Wizard.
  3. Click Next to continue.
  4. Enter the Datasource and login credentials into the provided fields and click Login.

    A message displays telling the user the login was successful.

  5. Click Next to continue.
  6. Specify the folder locations for the WorkSpace, WorkSet and Work Files.
  7. Click Next to continue.

    This dialog provides the default WorkSet Configuration Settings Blocks (CSBs) names for Configuration, WorkSpace, WorkSet and Seed. The user has the option to either rename the (CSBs) if desired, or click the Browse icon to associate an existing (CSB) (associated with another WorkWet in the same ProjectWise folder) with the WorkSet being created.

    When the user clicks the Browse icon, the following dialog displays the list of existing CSBs which the user can select from:

  8. Enter any changes to the WorkSet (CSBs) then click Next to start the creation process.

    The progress is displayed as shown:

    The ensuing dialog gives a brief WorkSet Creation Report on whether the WorkSet was imported successfully or not.

  9. Click Finish to close the wizard. The ProjectWise Configuration node is added with the WorkSpace/WorkSet nodes underneath as shown: